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"No free shoes!"

A review of Bhs Ltd by David Hennessy written on Sunday 19th of April 2015


I visited the store at Fosse Park to buy a suit and it said free shoes when you purchase this suit. I went to where a big sign said free shoes. I struggled to find any shoes that I liked and none in my size, they were all small sizes. I eventually found a pair which I liked and were my size so went to checkout to pay only to be told if they didn't have a sticker in then they were not part of the deal. They were exactly the same price as the other shoes that were free that had stickers in and were on the same rack below a sign that said free shoes. I wasn't very happy as there no sign to say they had to have a sticker on when purchasing the suit.

I was in a hurry so did not have time to take it up with management but feel this is unacceptable!.

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Bhs Ltd

Map showing Bhs Ltd on Fosse Park Avenue