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"I am American. In 12 years, I've never found an American pizza in the UK!"

A review of American Pizza by Sharon written on Thursday 7th of July 2011


I am an American woman, who has lived in the UK for over a decade. In all that time, I have "never" had a pizza that even rrmotely taste like our American pizzas. I really get tired of British people referring to American/ American-Style product, especially those who do not have a clue. British pizza tastes like someone poured a cup of sugar on it! American pizzas are "spicey", NOT sweet! lol

Today, I received, not one, but two flyers advertising the pizza place, which they call "American Pizza". To be fair, I have not tried their pizza, and probably never will, because I have tasted enough "so-called" American pizzas in the UK, and have always been disappointed. So, if this pizza IS anything like American pizza, then I will be extremely and pleasantly surprised!

Pizza has always been one of my favorite foods, so I "know" how an American pizza should taste. British people may not know the difference, and my buy into these so-called "American-Style" adverts, but I am American, and lived in my home country for 45 years before coming here, and I DO know the difference.

People deserve to know!.

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American Pizza

Map showing American Pizza on Melton Road