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"Poor telephone answering / Insuficient staff answering to size of the practice??"

A review of Glenfield Surgery by MLS written on Monday 24th of October 2011


You are lucky you got through by phone to them. I was trying on and off all day throughout last Thursday and Friday(in total it must have been 10 times)

I have no tried on 8 occasions today Monday from 08:30 til now 15:00 and if I don't get the engaged tone I get that message which tells me " ALL OF OUR RECEPTIONIST ARE BUSY" etc. which when you have heard it about 40 or 50 times in the last few days becomes rather infuriating. Do they not realise other people are busy too. They have become the laughing stock of my office as I sometimes leave the phone on hands free so i can get on with my work. Occasionally you can accept and perhaps expect not to be able to get through straight the way but this is not the first time I have experienced similar with them. The worst thing is they know they have a problem but don't or won't improve this aspect of their service. It's not good enough and needs sorting out Dr COOPER and Co. God help anyone that suffers from hyper tension if they get similar service..

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Glenfield Surgery

Map showing Glenfield Surgery on Station Road