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A review of Bradgate Park & Swithland Wood Country Park by Gillian capewell written on Wednesday 24th of April 2013


I have been walking in bradgate park and swithland woods for 30+ years, Now it seems the trails are not good enough. We now have people visiting who can;t walk for more than 20 minutes without having to go to the loo or eating something. and the mess they leave behind is unbelievable and so we normal everyday walkers have to put up with charges so that the parks people can clear up after townies!! go to Abbey park if you want to have an organized walk bradgate is wild and should stay wild. Why are you putting up maps and stuff, why can't people just ask the locals where to go. Its all very upsetting and the commercialisation of Bradgate park will be its downfall. Also why oh why are all the trees in swithland being desecrated. Nature will take over whatever even if deceases are present. Its so sad to see all the once beautiful trees chopped down and why oh why are you putting a road around the edge. Something to do with water,. Please give us a believable reason or lay off our beautiful area. its what makes leicestershire and without it leicester is just another boring flat landscape..

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Bradgate Park & Swithland Wood Country Park

Map showing Bradgate Park & Swithland Wood Country Park on Bradgate Road