Home > Leicester Street Index > Barwell Road

Barwell Road

This page shows businesses on Barwell Road. Click on a business to bring up its details and a map showing its location.


High Styles

High Styles is a hairdresser which offers a range of men's and women's hair services and products.

Address: 12 Barwell Road, Kirby Muxloe, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE9 2AA

Kirby Muxloe Day Nursery

Kirby Muxloe Day Nursery is a day nursery providing care for children while their parents are not available.

Address: 45 Barwell Road, Kirby Muxloe, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE9 2AA

Kirby Muxloe Primary School

Kirby Muxloe Primary School provides children with education and skills which they can use later in life.

Address: Barwell Road, Kirby Muxloe, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE9 2AA

The Store

The Store is a convenience store selling a range of household supplies and groceries.

Address: 14 Barwell Road, Kirby Muxloe, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE9 2AA


News agent

Address: 29 Barwell Road, Kirby Muxloe, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE9 2AA



Map showing Barwell Road in Leicester.